
The Office of Information Technology provides a number of services for faculty and staff at 十大外围app, as well as a number of resources to help you resolve and/or report problems. 


The Office of Information Technology provides technical support for classrooms and conference room technology. We also maintain and replace equipment as needed throughout the 主校区 and 惠特曼中心.

Please report any problems you are having with classroom and or conference room technology via our 那么玩FMX 工单制.

http://monroeccc.gofmx.com 选择 技术请求选项卡

  1. 打开网页浏览器,复制并粘贴以下地址:  http://monroeccc.gofmx.com/ 
    (Note:  I would save this as a bookmark on your browser for future reference) 
  2. 将出现以下框:
  3. You will want  to click on the bottom button where you log in with SSO.  It should log in automatically using your credentials that has been set up by our I.T. 部门已经.

Use the following link with a training video to show how to properly submit a work request:  http://help.gofmx.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003627471-User-Training-Video-Work-Requests

As always if you have any questions please contact us via the information listed for you at the bottom of this page.  For future reference if you have any technical support questions for the 那么玩FMX Customer 支持 Team please email them at support@gofmx.com.

如需即时协助,请拨分机. 4234.

Using a strong password is important and the following guidelines should be considered when creating a strong password:

  • Must be at least 12 characters and must be changed every 370 days.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), will be required every 125 days (Once a semester)
  • Cannot contain your username or any part of your username.
  • 密码是私有的,不应该被共享.
  • 您的密码区分大小写.


  • 我们建议使用短语e.g.:(donotusethispassword),(忘记the0ldway!)
  • 不要使用单一的字典单词.
  • 不要使用序列或重复字符.
  • 不使用个人信息.

选择一个不易被猜到的密码. 密码长度至少为12个字符. The longer the password the better, as each added character makes the password more secure.


  • 登录校园系统.
  • Once logged in, press “Ctrl + Alt + Delete,” and then click 修改密码.
  • 输入旧密码. Type your new password, and then type your new password again to confirm it. 然后按“Enter”.”




注意: When you change your password in either your Windows or Outlook Web Access, it is changed for both. You will also need to change the password on all your devices used to connect to the monroeccc wireless network and work email to the new password. Failure to do so will result in too many login tries and lock you out of your account.

例子: You are at your work computer in your office and you press Ctrl + Alt + Del and change your system password, 所以现在你的Outlook邮件也改变了.  You must change your password for all devices that you use to connect to the monroeccc wireless and work email like your Windows笔记本电脑, 安卓手机/平板电脑, Chromebook, iPad和iPhone.



How to setup Multi-Factor Authentication for your Email

How to setup Multi-Factor Authentication for your Email




MCCC has taken additional security measures to further protect faculty and staff email accounts by implementing a Barracuda Spam Firewall.  Barracuda will be used to scan all incoming Internet e-mail before it reaches the Outlook system.


  • The amount of unsolicited commercial e-mail (commonly referred to as spam) that you receive will be drastically reduced.
  • Your e-mails will be scanned for viruses before they get to your inbox.
  • You will have an option to receive a daily Quarantine Report alerting you when suspected spam and viruses have been intercepted.
  • You will be able to choose from the Quarantine Report, the blocked messages you would like to see or delete or you may elect to simply delete them all.
  • You will be able to maintain an “allowed sender list” of senders from whom you always wish to receive e-mail and a “blocked sender list” of senders from whom you never wish to receive e-mail.
  • You and all other MCCC Outlook users will be protected from information gathering and exploitation techniques frequently used by hackers.




十大外围app information technology users are required to read and accept the terms of service as described in the MCCC acceptable use policy.




Note: all staff and students should be using the monroeccc network with your college provided credentials


  • 选择: monroeccc-guest 
    • 检查我接受使用条款. 等待…….打开一页需要一分钟.
    • wifi复选框

  • 选择: monroeccc
  • 需要用户名:mcccguest(或你的大学用户名)
  • Needs password: guestmccc (or your college email password)
  • 检查我接受使用条款. 等待…….打开一页需要一分钟.


For assistance, please call the Information Systems Department at (734) 384-4234.

Please note: If you get a certificate error, it is safe to proceed.

Some devices you can use to connect to the college wireless network: Windows笔记本电脑, 安卓手机/平板电脑, Chromebook, iPad和iPhone.

  • A laptop or device with either built-in wireless capabilities or a wireless Ethernet card.
  • An internet browser like Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
  • Your device must support Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2)

印刷: The wireless network does not connect to any printers on campus. You will need to save to a disk and take it to a lab with a printer.

图书馆数据库访问:  校园访问是自动从你的电脑. If you are logged in to the campus wifi, your access is automatic. Off-campus access is available to MCCC EMPLOYEES: From the MCCC library home page, 点击A-Z数据库链接. Click on the database you want to search (make sure your computer settings allow cookies and pop-ups). 您将看到一个屏幕,询问以下内容: MCCC教员/员工:用你的账号登录 MCCC网络用户名和密码.




手机图标 734.384.4234


夏季(5月6日- 8月6日. 9)
周一至周四:7:30.m. - 6 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. - 12 p.m.